FREE Mental Health Support for Local Adults & Businesses In Maidstone

Mind, Mid Kent – Tom Fishenden – Community Engagement Officer 


Mental Health has affected us all in one way or another – and you never know who may seek help if we make them aware that it’s out there.

As we begin to return to our workplaces, it is more important than ever before that we continue to provide people with access to mental health support when they need it.  

This is where Mid Kent Mind’s Recovery Action plans come in. 

These are FREE sessions in which an individual will have the opportunity to work with one of our Wellbeing Workers for a duration of six weeks. Participating individuals will have the opportunity to identify areas which they would like to work to improve and will be supported as they continue to develop techniques and strategies which will allow them to manage those areas better. 

Funding has been provided with a focus on supporting people in areas which may have been affected by the pandemic – i.e. anxiety, but it is not restricted to this. Our RAP programme aims to adapt to the needs of an individual person – so that they feel confident progressing forwards with their lives. 

We appreciate that you will likely have your own HR mechanisms in place – but sometimes people may feel more comfortable accessing external support, and this is where we can help. 

More details can be found here: