Informal Consultation – Double yellow lines and parking on Ware Street

Bearsted Parish Council would welcome your comments on the following proposal.

Members of the Parish Traffic Working Group have been working closely with Kent County Council Highways Department to try and find a solution to the ongoing problems of parking and speeding along Ware Street.

Having looked at several options it is proposed that double yellow lines are installed to the north side of Ware Street from the vicinity of Chapel Lane to the area opposite Sandy Lane, with a 25m section of time restricted parking bays for 4-5 vehicles.  The position of the parking bays is intended to provide some degree of traffic calming, particularly for vehicles travelling east under the rail bridge, whilst providing a clear ‘sight-line’ so that vehicles can pass those that are parked. Residents should note the proposed parking time limits of a maximum stay of 4 hours between the hours of 9.00am – 3.30pm Monday – Friday.

Comments and responses to this proposal are invited by post or email to the Parish Clerk by 20th September 2019.

We would also like to advise that discussion with KCC are ongoing regarding possible pedestrian crossing(s) on Ware Street and we will contact residents when we have more information.

Consultation Aug 19.