Notice – GAS WORKS IN BEARSTED November 2021 to April 2022

Notice – GAS WORKS IN BEARSTED November 2021 to April 2022
PLEASE direct any comments or queries directly to SGN and not Bearsted Parish Council. Thank you
Posted on behalf of SGN
SGN, St. Lawrence House, Station Approach, Horley, RH6 9HJ
Sharon Dorrington
M: 07970123506
E :
We are writing to let you know about our upcoming project to upgrade our gas network in Yeomans Lane, Bearstead. We are replacing our old metal gas mains and services with new plastic pipe. This essential work will ensure your community continues to receive a safe and reliable gas supply for many years to come.
In consultation with Kent County Council our contractor, 360 Group of Companies, who will be completing this project on our behalf, will start work on 1 November until mid-April 2022.
To safely access our gas network, we will need to close Yeoman Lane from 1 November until 25 April 2022. Our engineers will be closing sections of the road while we work in that area, starting from south to north.
We will also be closing Tower Lane from 3 January 2022 until 14 February 2022. Access will be maintained for residents and diversion routes will be in place.
When working in Roseacre Lane from 24 January until 7 February, we will need to install temporary multi-way lights at the junction with Tower Lane. From 4 April until 18 April, we will be working in The Street with temporary multi-way lights in place at the junction with Yeomans Lane.
We understand that people can get frustrated by roadworks and, therefore, we only use traffic management when it would be unsafe not to.