Project A Public Meeting – 27th July 2022
Project A was created with the aim to improve, advance, and facilitate leisure activities for a substantial number of residents living within the Parish of Bearsted. Bearsted Parish Council hold health and well-being in high regard which is detailed within the Mission Statement of the Council .
The Project A working group met on Monday 13th June 2022 and has now set a date for a public meeting. The date of this meeting is Wednesday the 27th July 2022 at 7.30pm at Madginford Hall.
If you have any questions relating to Project A that you would like answered by the Project A working Group or the Ecology expert, please can these be sent in advance to We will endeavour to answer questions raised with full facts and information. There will also be an opportunity to ask further questions on the evening.
Please click here for more information about Project A.