Government Consultation: ‘Strengthening The Standards and Conduct Framework For Local Authorities in England’

The government is seeking views on proposals to introduce measures to strengthen the standards and conduct regime for local authorities in England. The proposals being consulted upon include:
  • The introduction of a mandatory minimum code of conduct for local authorities in England
  • A requirement that all principal authorities convene formal standards committees to make decisions on code of conduct breaches, and publish the outcomes of all formal investigations
  • The introduction of the power for all local authorities (including combined authorities) to suspend councillors or mayors found in serious breach of their code of conduct and, as appropriate, interim suspension for the most serious and complex cases that may involve police investigations
  • A new category of disqualification for gross misconduct and those subject to a sanction of suspension more than once in a 5-year period
  • A role for a national body to deal with appeals

Access the Govenment background information here

Access the consultation here

Kent and Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy – Kent County Council consultation

The draft Kent and Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) sets out the county’s priorities for nature recovery and the recommended actions to deliver these. It also identifies where in the county this action should be targeted to deliver the greatest outcomes for the county’s habitats and species.

The LNRS is the first of its kind for the county and has been prepared by Kent County Council, appointed by Defra as Responsible Authority. It is one of 48 strategies across England, with the shared aim of halting and reversing the decline of nature.

The intention the LNRS is to direct action and investment to areas where it is most needed, and will achieve the greatest benefits, and to steer losses and impacts away from the county’s most valuable natural assets.

Have your say!

This consultation provides an opportunity to help shape and finalise this exciting new strategy before it is published later in 2025. So have your say on ending the decline of nature across the county, and supporting its recovery.

Access the consultation here

Bearsted Conservation Area Consultation – Maidstone Borough Council

Why we are consulting

The proposed Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (known as CAAMP) recognises and summarises the significance and character of Bearsted, and provides a framework system to ensure that this character is protected or enhanced. The Detling CAAMP follows the advice set out in Historic England’s guidance note: Conservation Area Appraisal, Designation and Management Historic England Advice Note 1 (Second Edition).

Bearsted Conservation Area consists of four different character areas, Village Green, Snowfield, The Street and Holy Cross. Within the conservation area there is a wide range of building age, ranging from the 15th century at The Limes and The Old Manor House to houses built within the last 30 years. However, the dominant period from which examples of buildings survive is the Victorian/Edwardian age, although there are significant numbers of buildings from the Georgian and pre-Georgian periods too.

Buildings within the conservation area are generally small in scale – nothing is taller than two storeys, and single storey buildings are rare.

We would like your feedback on the draft Conservation Area Appraisal for Bearsted before a final version is adopted. We want to hear from as many people and organisations as possible; including Bearsted residents, and individuals who work in or visit Bearsted.

Access the draft plan here 

Access the consultation here

Transport for the South East – Transport Strategy

ENDS 7th March

The views of those living and working in the South East are an essential part of helping us shape our updated Transport Strategy.  It will seek to address the unique transport needs and challenges of different communities within the region. One of our key roles is to speak to government about transport priorities and challenges that need to be addressed in our region. To do this effectively, we need to hear from as many people as possible across the South East

Councillor Keith Glazier, TfSE’s Chair.

Access the consultation here