New public transport links for Kent’s Leeds Castle

We are pleased to hear a regular bus service will begin calling at Leeds Castle. The 10X bus that runs between Ashford and Maidstone will stop off in the Castle […]

Notice of the appointment for the exercise of public rights

For further information on the audit please visit the audit page.

Parish Office – Closed Wednesday 19th June 2024

Parish Council Office – Closed on Wednesday the 19th June 2024 The office will be closed on Wednesday 19th of June as works are being carried out to the sewage […]

Bearsted Road Works

KCC has informed parish councils that the work to widen the Bearsted Road by the Vinters Park Crematorium is being put on hold. As many will know, KCC is facing […]

Online Playscheme Tickets sales are now SOLD OUT!

Online ticket sales are now sold out. If you wish to be added to the contact list please email Please include your name, childs name, school year, Tel no. […]

Summer Playscheme Tickets 2024

We are pleased to announce Playscheme tickets go on sale from Wednesday 12th June 2024

Volunteer for our Community Speed Watch Scheme

In support of our local residents concerns about speeding on the A20, Bearsted Parish Council would like to start a Speed Watch Scheme. To do this we need your help! […]

Allotment tours with Bearsted CAN

Would you like to try different ways of growing more fruit and vegetables? Ask our expert allotment holders! Bearsted CAN will be coordinating a tour of our Parish Council allotment […]

UK police officers

Kent Rural Task Force – Newsletter