Our Traffic Committee focuses on matters related to traffic management and transportation within the community.

We encourage residents to attend our traffic committee meetings held every2 months to see what issues are being discussed.

Please note Bearsted Parish Council are unable to carry out repairs. This is the responsibility of Kent County Council.

Highway Improvement plan (HIP)

A HIP is a method whereby KCC will consult with the Parish Council to create a plan for highway improvements.

The idea is for the Parish Council to list their requirements for improvements in priority order. KCC then investigates options including any restrictions and costs. The benefit of this approach is that there is then an agreed document setting out the various schemes and the recommended action going forward.

KCC have limited funding and therefore the HIP provides an opportunity for the Parish Council to work with KCC and potentially assist with funding projects.

To view Bearsted Parish Council HIP

Please be aware that Highway improvements can take time to come to fruition due to various consultation requirements that need to be met. In some cases, the Parish Council can expedite the process by paying for some schemes, however this does not happen in all instances.

Current Resident Concerns

The Parish Council is aware of the many traffic issues that concern our residents.
Whilst we are not the highway authority, we do have a “wish list” of improvements we would like KCC highways included in our Highway Improvement Plan (HIP). Currently the main items are:


Nuisance parking on corners near junctions

How we are helping:

BPC has funded Double Yellow Lines on Cavendish Way / Copsewood Way, Copsewood way / Yeoman way and Ashford Road/ Roseacre Lane. The KCC highways are funding double yellow lines on Ashford road/Roseacre Lane junction


Speeding along the A20

How we are helping:

In support of our resident concerns we are looking at introducing a Community Speedwatch Scheme. It will involve a team of local volunteers to record the speed of passing vehicles along the A20, with full training given on how to use speed indication devices and all equipment will be provided.
The aim of the scheme is not to catch as many speeding drivers as possible, but to encourage them to drive within the speed limit. Many local areas where Community speedwatch is already in place, have seen a positive change in driver behaviour and compliance with the speed limit.
When vehicles exceed the speed limit, the registered keepers will receive a letter explaining the potential risks and consequences of their dangerous behaviour. Repeat offenders will receive a visit from the local police, regardless of their location.

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2025

Select time period to view meetings from:
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutes
Tue 18th Nov, 2025Traffic Committee Meeting
Tue 23rd Sep, 2025Traffic Committee Meeting
Tue 24th Jun, 2025Traffic Committee Meeting
Tue 22nd Apr, 2025Traffic Committee Meeting
Tue 18th Feb, 2025Traffic Committee Meeting
